of the week
Is there a song that you would like to know the story behind? Why not email me at the bottom of this page and I’ll get to work on it.
Zabadak, Da Do Don Don, De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da, Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da and Do Wah Diddy Diddy are just a small handful...
Seven weeks ago I was asked to write the story of Hooked on a Feeling, but the Vonda Shepard version from Ally McBeal,...
. Since the chart rules changed in 2017 after Ed Sheeran 'broke' the chart, which has since not been fixed, tiringly,...
You often hear about a singer writing a song in a matter of minutes, but prior to the Beatles, few artists wrote their...
This week's suggestion is a masterpiece, but it's puzzled me on two levels since I first heard it; why do we never...
This week's request from Lee came via a discussion at the Sunday night quiz in which Lee said, "In the so-called demo...
This suggestion came in from John Ward who used to attend my Thursday quiz prior to the pandemic, but then moved to...
Until the Beatles came along and changed things, many major stars had songs written for them by professional...
Genres have come and gone over the years and will continue to do so, but whichever one it is, there are some that make...
I always welcome suggestions and ideas for my music quiz rounds from the hundreds who attend and one suggestion came...
I was overhearing a conversion once at a music quiz I was participating in years ago and two guys were discussing who...
When you know the story behind Money For Nothing, which, if you don't already, you will shortly, you'll realise how...
This week's suggestion is one of those songs that so many will sing alone to, because it's such as easy song to listen...
Plagiarizing, copying, stealing, nicking etc someone else's music has gone on a many a year and in 1998, the Manic...
Most sports will incorporate music somewhere whether it be walk in or walk on music for many players or even to back...