of the week
Is there a song that you would like to know the story behind? Why not email me at the bottom of this page and I’ll get to work on it.
Many songs seem to have no meaning, ie have you ever wondered what MacArthur Park is all about. I hope you know now as...
Years ago, some artists would 'borrow' a riff from another artist, recreate it and sometimes get away without giving...
So often a song comes along and it seems to be about a love relationship or the breaking up of, but actually it's...
As a DJ, the question I've probably been asked the most over the years is, what is the one song that almost never...
Parody songs have been around for years. Stan Freberg made a handsome living out of it for many years in the fifties...
In 2010, the BBC conducted a poll based on listeners & viewers votes to find the greatest guitarist of the last 30...
So many songs are incorrectly interpreted, especially by the BBC who decide to 'ban', or 'restrict' as they prefer to...
Few will remember that the first Canadian act to make the UK singles chart was the Four Lads back in 1952 when they...
Last week's Single of the Week was chosen by Steve Cann and was Jona Lewie's 1980 hit You'll Always Find Me In The...
In America, only once has a father/daughter combination topped the Billboard singles chart when in 1967, Frank and his...
Trivia question; what do the Rolling Stones, Radiohead, Deacon Blue, the Pretty Things and Judas Priest all have in...
In the 1970s it was a well-known fact that the Three Degrees were Prince Charles' favourite pop act, but he was also a...
Candle in the Wind and Abraham Martin & John are two examples of songs written about the death of famous people,...
In the summer of 2011, the man who wrote the classic Hollies song Bus Stop, finally got himself a bus pass of his own...
Many combinations of family relations have topped the UK singles chart. There have been brothers and/or sisters in...