of the week
Is there a song that you would like to know the story behind? Why not email me at the bottom of this page and I’ll get to work on it.
Yelling out for a Paul Hardcastle UK number one hit - could be a cryptic crossword clue for this week's single of the...
What do Frijid Pink, Grand Funk Railroad and Santa Esmeralda all have in common? No? They were all one-hit wonders...
11 The BBC's rules about banning songs, or 'restricting' them, as they now call it, have always been a bit ambiguous....
Many singers have titles bestowed upon them by their fans or the media. Elvis was The King of Rock 'N' Roll, Aretha...
It must be a nice feeling for a songwriter when they write something a little risqué and get away with it. The first...
How many times have you turned on the radio, usually commercial radio, and within a couple of hours you've heard the...
It's hard to think of the rock legend Peter Frampton as the leader of a teeny bop band, but they all had to start...
Until he passed away last October at the age of 94, Charles Aznavour was the oldest living male singer to have had a...
Groups containing siblings is nothing unusual, bands made up entirely of siblings is not too uncommon, but bands with...
There was an expression many years ago called turntable hit. Some younger people reading this won't even know what a...
Sometimes when I receive a request for a single of the Week, the requester often asks for a specific version of the...
Alcohol takes the blame for many things in this world and often quite rightly so. In this week's choice for Single of...
One thing I personally never do is read reviews whether it be a film, book or a song. I have no interest in knowing...
Who are the most successful duo in American pop history? Simon and Garfunkel? The Everly Brothers? Well, they both...
Trivia question: what do, Could It Be Magic by Barry Manilow, It's All In The Game by Tommy Edwards, No One Is To...