of the week
Is there a song that you would like to know the story behind? Why not email me at the bottom of this page and I’ll get to work on it.
There is almost no restriction of what can inspire a song writer to come up with an interesting story for a song. The...
This week's suggestion is one of those songs where your casual music fan would not believe that a cover version, which...
Some political songs have a habit of making the listener sit up and take notice and others have their political...
When I received the email requesting this song, the subject line said, "Did video really kill the radio star?" Reading...
This week's suggestion came out of a conversation with someone who believed, quite rightly, that I am a fan of Olivia...
This week's suggestion comes from a long-forgotten singer who charted two songs in the 1950s. One was a...
How disheartening must it be for a songwriter to write a song they really believe in and love then to be told it's not...
Cover versions of songs done in a very different style from the acts who made them famous can often be a nice...
Artists, of the painting type, are not an obvious subject to sing about but Matt Monro praises Michelangelo in...
Neil Sedaka, alongside Neil Diamond, Gerry Goffin, Carole King, Burt Bacharach, Hal David, Barry Mann, Cynthia Weil...
If you you're a real music fan and, more so, like me, a chart watcher, it astounds me how certain big songs can...
This week's choice is by Bob Dylan's former backing group and is full of characters like Luke, Jack, Anna Lee, Miss...
How could you describe this week's choice? Personally, I would go with a 90s dance anthem with an infectious hook and...
So many actors who play the same role in a long-running television show get pigeon-holed and some are unable to shake...
This week's suggestion came from General Blee who wrote, "I heard Don't Bring Me Down by E.L.O. yesterday after a long...