of the week
Is there a song that you would like to know the story behind? Why not email me at the bottom of this page and I’ll get to work on it.
This week's suggestion is classed in many places as a novelty song. I strongly disagree. The Birdie Song, YMCA, Agadoo...
On the face of it, this song would imply that the protagonist is getting advice from a new lover about how to get rid...
When this week's song came out in 1982, there was a lot of speculation as to who it was written about. The artist's...
This week's suggestion is about someone with one of the most distinctive soaring voices in musical history. How his...
Lynyrd Skynyrd, Jethro Tull, Marilyn Manson and the Marshall Tucker Band are four good examples and this week's...
Eight months ago, I had a request from Mark Feltham who asked for two songs by the same act so I thought I'd spread...
It had never occurred to me, until I recently read an interview with a song writer, that if they are lucky enough to...
Songs that were written specifically about a person are usually fairly obviously because their name might me mentioned...
This request came in a few weeks ago but I've been saving until Valentine's week because, not only is it a great love...
This week's suggestion came from David who seemed keener to know how these two people got together to make this...
This week's act was one of the most successful all-female acts of the 1980s, but their original name was not a good...
Oh, how times have changed with technology. Long before email and mobile phones with text facility, the quickest way...
This suggestion came in about two months ago, but I thought I'd leave it until nearer Christmas because, although...
I still can't quite fathom how a great song falls just short of the number one slot and yet a cover, usually never as...
This week's suggestion came from Des Roberts, who used to attend by Sunday quiz many moons ago and he said, "Trawling...