Did you know?
Number one albums with one week on chart
In a current chart climate where the music industry big-up new albums for them to enter the chart high and sink,...
Written for and turned down by….
Here is a list of 35 songs that were written for other people, but, for one reason or another, they didn't record...
10 highly interesting facts!
Isaac Hayes was the first musical black artist to win an Oscar. Joe Jackson's 1983 hit Breaking Us in Two was based on...
Funny, ridiculous, but genuine song titles
Country music artists have a knack of coming up with some original and, frankly, ridiculous song titles, but these are...
Most Grammy Award winners in music
With a total of 86 categories celebrating the best of pop, rock, R&B, jazz, rap, Latin, classical, Musical...
The world’s richest musicians
In December 2024, a new list revealed the 20 richest musicians in the world. It made interesting reading because many...
Top 20 biggest-selling country albums in the world
This is according the the RIAA’s album sales data in the USA. No surprises as to who dominates the chart. Rank Title...
Black hits vs white hits
Which colour, black or white, has featured the most in UK top 40 hits? The results are shown below. Artist Black Peak...
The UK EP Chart
The EP was a popular format in the late 1950s through to mid 1960s. For record buyers who couldn’t afford an expensive...
U.S. number one albums in 2023
Following on from last week's chart-topping singles in America last year, here's the number one albums: Artist Title...